Listening to: state fair - rasputina
now there's nothing wrong with constructive criticism, but being a complete ASSHOLE is completely uncalled for. i just came across a girls diary and it was very evident that she was suicidal, and seemed to have irresponsible abusive foster parents. in her last entry she stated that she was going to kill herself and she seemed dead fucking serious. i left her a comment and the proceeded to look at the other comments just to check if someone had decided to be and INSENSITVE ASSHOLE and someone did. he said that he hoped she'd kill her self and that she should burn in hell. OF ALL THE FUCKING THINGS YOU COULD DO. HOW DARE SOMEONE HAVE THE AUDACITY TO EVEN THINK TO DO SOMETHING LIKE THAT. HAVE SOME FUCKING RESPECT FOR THE PEOPLE ON THIS SITE AND PEOPLE IN THIS WORLD. its that sort of ignorance and complete uncaring that makes this world as hostile as it is. that entry was dated August 10th and there are no more entries following. hopefully she didn't kill herself and got herself out of the situation she was in and was able to seek help. if not, then RIP and much love.