Listening to: so - the faint
cursey words are in the mind, sir
and britisisms none the less
some sense and missense and nonesense
the best sense
is none for me today
when your skanky wanker scratches his bollocks and when your filtheeeeeeeeeee strumpet struts her cummy stuff on the round-a-bout corner
tell your god-sent queen to eat her fucking cake
when your skanky cake scratches his filtheeeeeeeeee strumpet and when your cummy stuff struts her bollocks on the god-sent corner
tell your round-a-bout queen to eat her fucking wanker
when your tight waisted friend is dragged through the rue and your loose-lipped worshippers forget their impending fate be not suprised to find your head chopped from your blashphemous spewings