Listening to: Nada Lada!
Feeling: belligerent
^^^LOL...nice emotion huh?! LOL!
So what's new...
Wednesday was okay not much happened...Home, School, Home! LOL! Didn't do anything much Wednesday!
Thursday was good too...I don't remember what I did Thrusday...except Thursday night wasn't good! I stayed after for Homework Club that was fun! Then late that night around 10:30 my dad's friends wife called and said he was doubled over in pain and couldn't move! She asked if we knew of anything that cold be making him do that!
Then she called back and asked my mom to take him to the hospital. And my mom's blazer broke down when they got there, so Denise had to go get them and my sis had to watch her kids, so none of us got much sleep!
Friday(yesterday) was awesome! I had school, which was good! Then I had practice after school, with Johnna Tom and Colin, that was fun! Then my sis came to pick me up around 5:00 and we met my parents at my mom's work and then went to Twig's for supper! Yummy! And THEN... my sis and I went over to John Ives house to hang out! Tal about a good time! That was a blast I love all them guys!
But bad-news about mom's Blazer needs $2,000 worth the damages! YEA, DAMN! But anyways...
Get up around 9:45 and I'm here now...
Stay tuned for next time...
hey hunnie
what's going on
I saw that you were logged on and i wanted somebody to talk to
love ya much
leave me some