Study Hall

Listening to: Nothing
Feeling: torn
So I got almost all of my band equipment finally. our show is going to be a big big sucess hopefully. We certainly dont have any excuses to fail now. I dont have a whole lot to say right now, cause my life has been rather uneventful since the great diary discovery...hmmm....I got my cell phone! My # is 717-395-3991, but I only have it on saturdays pretty much, so only call me then if you must call. lol. Im really tired right now and sitting in study hall, so I guess I should do some homework so I can keep my grades up. I usually start to slack off 3rd marking period. So I cant do that during my senior year obviously. Thats about All I can say right now Who is the anonymous commenter with the ip adress And why do you shroud yourself in mystery? : )
Read 4 comments
you should prob be doing hw in study halla nd not going on the internet, smarty. pshhaaaa haha <3
im so happy that you're doing better, and stick close to your friends, they will get you through anything. as for being in study hall, DO YOUR WORK or you won't get through senior year
I'd still bet my left arm it's jess on different computers.
you spelled jes wrong agin! grrr