last night was fucking insane. blood brothers put on a fucking amazing show. the pit was insane with kids dancing their asses off.
when we were just standing waiting for the show to start people were blowing up condoms and tossing them back and forth. its so fun to be so fucking immature :)
there were these really cute gay guys that were there. it was so cute. it seemed every guy there looked gay but thats the style so its hard to tell.
whoot whoot! i seen cassie. i met her back dies today i think. shes flipping awesome and she has hot friends.:)
AHH THAT SUCKS! Oh well atleast you got into them, I'm sure glad I did haha. Of course you can add me duhhh.
ah god the fftl concert was fun. i'm glad we got to see cassie, and i'm glad i got to meet her gay/bi (i can't remember what she said)! he's adorable. but anyways it was fun and i'm glad you went with me.
love ya beautiful.
oh yeah and you better love me since i got that pop can that derrick (i'm not sure how he spells his name i just like that spelling of it lol) was drinking out of!
they really need to stop by st. louis sometime. ive been wanting them to come here but i dont think its on their tour.. grr
the guy at the top looks anorezic in his stomach. my summer is boring...
P.s we are cool cause we are going to the bled this summer w00t.
Ahhh I hate you!
You saw the blood brothers, you are lik e38748087432 person who has said they are amazing live, and you get to see fear before, the last time I saw them was in march, booo.
Haha why does it seem like gay guys are getting cuter than straight ones?
dude my friend peter was there
i'm gonna ask him if he saw you
love ya beautiful.
oh yeah and you better love me since i got that pop can that derrick (i'm not sure how he spells his name i just like that spelling of it lol) was drinking out of!
u got a setlist or something?
any old songs?
i think its a guy and a girl.
either way its hottt.
im completly jealous of the fact you got to go to that concert tho.
aaaahhhh i can't wait until tomorrow!
you are so beautiful. :)
You saw the blood brothers, you are lik e38748087432 person who has said they are amazing live, and you get to see fear before, the last time I saw them was in march, booo.
Haha why does it seem like gay guys are getting cuter than straight ones?
i'm gonna ask him if he saw you