i got the computer taken away because i got into a fight with my mom. the show on thursday was the best fucking show ever. before the show me and jessica stood by the van for the most part and we were doing our makeup HA and the singer of Stillborn was like you ladies look fantastic and he gave us their cd for free. hahaha im like wow thats awesome. still remains kicked soo much fucking ass its not even funny. i stood next to this nice cute guy during haste the day. he said hi to me so im like ha hi. he was just really sweet to me the whole time and i should of got his name damnit. after the show i got alot of free stickers and samplers. hell yeah. and jeff was buying a still remains shirt and im like oh can i have a dollar but he didnt have any money and im like ah so i was walking away and their merch guy was like what did you need and im like haha i was gonna get a sticker and hes like just take one and im like seriously thanks so much. that was pretty awesome of him. i also got a haste the day shirt. but i had to pay for that one haha. im in love with HTD's merch guy. hes adorable and hes the fucking sweetest guy ever. if i were older i would of hit on him.
we got a flat tire on the way to the show so treet and jeff decided to hitch hike but then some nice lady stopped and changed our tire. god bless her. Still Remains
Haste The Day. so yeah where i stood sucked as do these pictures.
your pretty much hot and I love you...considering we have pretty much 3 weeks until school starts we really need to hang out again...soemtime soon...
Haha those are some pretty interesting picturesss, oh well atleast you go to gooo, I'm going this sunday for them w00t.
tootles! :)