i had a pretty good weekend in Lawrence.
Cassie came down with her friends Josh, David, Jacob, Travis, Sean, and this girl Kim and her sister.
we smoked in missys room. mhm
i watched Travis and David makeout. and i was extremely turned on. it was seriously the hottest fucking thing i have ever seen. oh god.
Josiah is
THE most attractive blonde guy i have ever seen. dear lord.
at one point i threw up a couple times and then passed out. mhm that nap did me good.
talked to this adorable gay guy Trevor. hes awesome. he works at like the icing or claires and he said if your his friend he'll let you steal stuff. well 'take'. mhm
here some of the people i chilled with over the weekend/met:



travis, callie, and josiah

yyeah ill have more soon hopefully. mhm, k
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