Feeling: ugly
Well i tried to write a long one of these and when i went to save it the thing logged me so it didn't save. So i'll just put up the highlights. 1. WTF Summers gone! (School starts next Tuesday) 2. Last summer day of DnD went fine Hopefully there will be more to come! 3. I've heard rumors that there are DnD events at Jacob's on Saturday and Kyle's on Sunday but I dont know anything for sure. (Someone please inform me Thanx) 4. I cant wait for school to start (looking forward to AP Calc and my aide possition in Algibra 2)And it happens on a Blue Day Hazzah! 5. One of my molars (17 for those who know) has to either be pulled and pegged, or get a root cannal and capped. Anyone out there with advice or experience in the situation who could lend me there know-how would be much appriciated! I'm still up in the air about what to do. Thank you very much!
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Um, I've had a root canal and it's actually not as bad as I expected. It still sucks though. So I'm not sure. It's ultimately gonna be your decision.
Eh, well, Sunday isn't strictly DnD. It will most likely end up that way, but it's mostly for my senior project. Which basically means it'll become DnD for no apparent reason. XD!

-The kyle.