Listening to: okay
Feeling: blah
ok..i gave up on chris... owell... i want to smoke and it sux becuz i dont have any thing to smoke... well i think all my so called friends hate me.. and i got pissed becuz amber and angel were talkin bout not hangin out wit me when we all got in trouble for the pills and i got pissed off and waz like "you git mad about stupid stuff" ok if your frinds were sayin that shit would you git pissed?? today we dont have sckewl think god.. i just say fuck it... if amber and angel dont like me fuck them.. there lost.. they can suck each others asses for all i care... i have other ppl.. LIFE SUX!!!!! !!!!!!!!PEOPLE=SHIT!!!!!!! still alive.. danielle
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thanks a lot better now =) im weird u know its like at night i wanna kill myself but right now im all chilled out..hah fukin pms... like ur diary too...later!!
listen i dunt have yahoo im heh i have msn..we dont use yahoo im back here but ill try to make one just hold a sec
when i played the whole i love you game some guy friekded out cuz i posted that on his chicks diary...and i keep explaining it to him and he keeps pissin me off
He shouldn't have gone solo.. I miss Murderdolls! *cries* Oh, but KidKid's kinda hott O_O
thanks yeah thats me playing guitar and in the fuckin suit and shit
people do equal shit.. but it depends on who..

chris seems like an asshole.. the best thing to do was to forget about him.. good job... oh and if you want anything to smoke.. fine some bum or something and ask them to get it for you and give them like 3 bucks for it.. hehehe so funny :p my brother used to do that when he was a minor