new month.
new life.
[sort of..]
so i've been serious-ish about school, but i for sure haven't been trying my hardest. i have hugely slacked in the past two weeks and i feel real awful about it. so since it's a new month and all, and since the semester is over in a month and half exactly- i've decided to be super serious about this lame school business. sure it's boring, but most things in life that you don't want to do are. i'm doing real well in math 98% on my first exam and 92% on the second. next one is on thursday, so i hope to get another A.
psych i'm not doing good at all. my teacher is awesome, real neat black man, but the way he teaches is so boring. so boring i have to have an argument with myself over if i'm gona go to class or not. we do the same thing every class, so boring. the papers we have to write every week really get to me, i hate doing them. like i STRUGGLE when it comes to those. but all the other papers we have to do that aren't the weekly ones i get A's on, so hopefully that helps. plus my attendance is good, so i hope that helps.
and english it looks like i'm doing horribly. like i freaked out when my teacher showed me my grade. but turns out she hadn't been recording my scores in her book. she was grading my shit and passing it back to me, but not writing it down. she's one of THOSE teachers hahah. i guess she did with a few other kids too. but ya, i mostly get A's and B's on assignments in that class. except my huuuuuge paper i did, an ad analysis, i was so proud of that paper, i thought i did so wel on it, and i turned everything in right [most kids didn't], and i did everything properly, i felt real good about it, other kids in the class who read my paper were all impressed and they liked it, but i got a C- on it.. 72%. i felt so horrible when i got my paper back. ek.
work is going well tho. i've made closer friends with all my fellow employees. even tho they smoke the weed, they're still pretty neat. one girl, roxie, is really nice and respects who i am. i made her halloween costume for her and she really liked it, that boosted my ego hahah. and all night she kept pointing back to me and telling people that i made it. felt good. she was puss in boots. it was cute.
alright this thing is too long.
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