red sox won!! red sox won!! red sox won!!
so amazing. screw the yankies and the dodgers. it's all about boston.
i can't wait to go visit there one day. my parents told me that my dad's bosses might want to open a chip plant in massachusettes or near there some day, and they would want to have my dad run it. so my mom said i should go to school up there cuz they'll be living up there. which would be super awesome fun, and i'd drag kiefer along. but since my parents said it, it probably won't happen. fun thought tho.
i LOVE the smell of cigarettes in my room. love it, love it. and i love that EVERYONE knows that i'm serious about being straightedge and yet nobody respects that. they walk in my room drunk, they walk in after smoking [when it's been made clear that the smell bothers me, and not just stench wise, but it hurts my lungs and throat], they walk in and talk about doing drugs and buying bongs. fantastic. real classy people we've got here.
so school is getting tough. i can't concentrate on anything. i suck. darn!! i need to get back in the game.
here i come homework!!
me- "that's a nasty cough. i have a really awesome cure for that. works really well too."
stupid ass hole- "oh really, what is it??"
me- "quit smoking dumbass."
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