today is the 7th of december. we're already a week through december. it's amazing. 17 days left until the most fantastical day.
6 days left until i get to go home!
i only have a math final wednesday, piece of cake- i am a math god now.
and an english final that's a joke. it's a mechanics slash grammar final. wow.. really? college english and this is the easiest english final of my life.
she's snoring again.
girls shouldn't snore.
i don't want to be mean, but it's because she's on the large side.
and she breathes with her mouth open so the whole room smells like bad breath.
i'm out of febreeze.
just 6 days left of wearing earplugs.
i'm really truely excited to go home.
i need to start being serious, serious about college. i need to look at real universities and see which is best for me. i have no clue what school i want to transfer to..
i hate growing up.
question to your answer:csuci :]
nah. it suckkks