Listening to: SoCo
Feeling: amazed
so yesterday.. absolutely amazing... went out to dinner with pat and his family then came back to his house and watched him open presents! then stayed over at his house... and we played halo 2(cause we are dorks), watched laguna beach, talked, reminsced(however you spell it...) today- Gym- basketball Bio- talked about crap... talked to Lauryn and Whitney about what were gonna do this weekend because 3 days-DROP IT LIKE IT'S HOT! yea whits birthday 3 days! so we are thinking about what were gonna do! Lunch- IM GOING TO THE MOON GAME! Geometry- test 77% eek! English- talked to my one and onlys patrick nathan and talked to KerBear&Van later today- halo 2 with PAT! cause none of the puppets will ply with me... PUPPETS+PATRICK+SISTERS=EVELYN'S LIFE xoxo
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