Listening to: something corporate
Feeling: confused
2day was friday...yay!! it was ok..i went 2 wendys after skool wit cichy lexii jen sam nd gordon nd that suxed *no offense* then we were bored nd asked sum random guyz 2 drive us 2 eskape..they were really nicee :) then we went 2 eskape nd met zack d. zack s. zach b. hal mitch jeremy gorsky jake i tink thats everyone. it was funn but ya kno i get jealous easily nd shit but its all good :) mitchs really really really hott friend was there...but of couse he liked gordon *big suprise* but watever we left at 10:30 nd had nuttin else 2 do so we went home
im so confused about guyz...there arent any guyz that i could see as good boyfriends in mai skool...they all suck *no offence* but yea i derno i dunt get it
peace playaz!