
Feeling: good
wow finally...this is like the first time in a while when i can actually say im good. u know i dont have everything i want in my life, but the things that i do have just make me feel great. fuck feeling sad...its just not good. i dont really have a reason for feeling good, im not really complaining. maybe its cause i got my SENSES FAIL tickets. omg i love them. seriously, i havent been to a show in like 23432439 years. and i finally get to see senses fail. i tried to get people to listen to them last year, but a lot of people didnt like them too much. and now theyre obsessed. FUCK YOU, i told u that they were good. ok anyways, back to rainbows and flowers. ummm....nothing really happened today. school sucked like always. then i had to go to a stupid tutoring thing that is just worthless, i only go there so my mom would get off my back. staci called me after though, made my day. i like it when people just call just to talk. no reason to, just talk. anyways, i think im done with this entry. let's hope the next entry is another happy one.
Read 5 comments
yay happy!
aww it makes me happy that your happy. "fuck feeling sad" ahah thats wonderful. i love that feeling.
awesome...i'm happy too...but you won't know why unless you read my diary. ~Ash~
thanks for everything. read my entry today. your in it. for your kindness.
dennis i got you into senses fail last year or we both started liking them sumthin like that