Listening to: Funker Vogt-Revivor
Feeling: busy
ABCs of people in your life
A: Amber and Alex-Fab Squad Members that seem to like me
B: Bao- My Asian accomplice
C: Cera- My Whale-dancing Indie friend
D: Darla- Last member of the Fab Squad- Doesn't seem to like me
E: Emo, Jesse- My "I must be eeeeeemo" friend
F: Finch, Karl- Supposed enamored boy, but is really a lier that I know basically hate
G: Gotto- My stalker
H: Heather- Least spoken to enemy in the past year
I: I, Myself, Me- Me
J: JUL-LAY! The master pimp
K: Karina- My best slice of home
L: LJ- Second funnest boy to hit (just for that "WTF is wrong with you?!?!?" look
M: Markers- My arch nemesis
N: Nicole- Driver's Ed buddy (guns go bang)
O: Oscar- My EL Salvadorian accomplice
P: Pepper- Secret fox
Q: Quach, Karen- The not so average Asian whomI steal answers from
R: Ronie-That dumbass who made me miserable, but yet we miss the misery
S: Salem- My lamexcore buddy
T: Tyson- Most hated prinicpal EVER
U: Unrequitted Golf Cart Nazi- AKA Secret Squirrel- terror to all students
V: Val- Pretend lover so we can get free candy
W: Will- Most persistent admirer
X: Xerxes- Most fan-fraking-tabulous nonexistent boy I never met
Y: Yes Man Dan- Says yes when I glare at him
Z: Zaney Sarah- Eclectic Anime freak that is as spirited as I am
I will finish this later
lifes good. what about u?
i must be eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeemo.