Tennis Reminsicions

Nothing says 'Tuesday' quite like Jack and Sally underwear.

I bet that you look good on the dance floor.

Today was pretty fun. I had science for three hours. I finished my SOL in about thirty minutes. Then my teacher made me colour instead of sitting there silently. Then she had the nerve to make me share my four coloured pencils. She stifiled my creativity. That bitch. After everyone finished, we got to sit silently and do anything we wanted as long as we were quiet. So I played around in Photoshop. I made a pretty moon background and a Miyavi background. Hehee. We had a giggle-fest. We kept making really lame jokes and whatnot. It was so fun. Blasian = Blonde Asian.

Hi. I'm your slave. It's what I do all day.

I have gym fifth period. Which, today, meant that I was to be in there from eleven forty-six until three forty-five. Not fun. But it ended up being quite amusing. Cera and I watched Broke Back Mountain for the first hour )we were heaving a study hall). I could not stop laughing. I felt sort of bad though because it wasn't supposed to be funny. Then we went to lunch. We came back and dressed out for gym. On the way to the locker room, Cera was walking behind me, holding my back-pack. She says to me 'So I'm basically riding you Katrina.' I love my Cera. We ended up having about two hours of actual class. For the last forty-five minutes, however, we had a 'break'. We layed on the courts and talked about clouds and planes. Previously we had stopped our game to reminisced about our childhood. Back in the days when Mighty Morphin Power Rangers were cool, Poke'mon was still new and in its first season, when Fox Box was cool, and the Disney Channel was exclusive. That was fun.

Haven't you heard that I'm the new cancer?

It's lonely to the point of death, your voice won't leave my mind

You know you're a 90's kid if...

You've ever ended a sentence with the word "PSYCHE!" - Definitely

You can sing the rap to "The Fresh Prince Of Bel Air" - Fuck Yes. I still sing it EVERY DAY.

You know that "WOAH" comes from Joey from "Blossom" and that "How Rude!" comes from Stephanie from "Full House" - Yep

You remember when it was actually worth getting up early
on a Saturday to watch cartoons. - Fuck yes, bring back Eek!

You got super excited when it was Oregon Trail day in computer class at school. - Beat it so many times. It was the reason we finished anything.

You remember reading "Goosebumps" - I owned them

You know the profound meaning of "Wax on, wax off" - I'll never forget it

You took plastic cartoon lunch boxes to school. - Lisa Frank Unicorns

You remember the craze then the banning of slap bracelets and slam books. - Slap bracelets owned.

You knew that Kimberly, the pink ranger, and Tommy, the green Ranger were meant to be together. - Everyone wanted to be Kimberly.

You remember "I've fallen and I can't get up" - I remember it, I just don't remember where it's from

You remember going to the skating rink before there were inline skates - I fucking owned in Roller-Hokey-Pokey. I won every month.

You ever got injured on a Slip 'n' Slide - That was our summer.

You wore socks over leggings scrunched down - Nope. Short socks under my short leggings.

You remember boom boxes vs. cd player - Oh yeah. They were so cool and I won one.

You remember New Kids on The Block when they were cool - Haha. Yeah.

You knew all the characters names and their life stories on "Saved By The Bell" - I never got into 'Saved by the Bell'

You played and or collected "Pogs" - We had a whole rocket ship full. A four foot rocket ship.

You used to pretend to be a MIGHTY MORPHIN Power Ranger and you owned a Skip It - 'After ten thousand years I'm free.' I never did get my Skip It. I always wanted one.

You had at least one GigaPet or Nano and brought it everywhere - My GigaPet was Bagghera. She was a kitty.

You watched the original Care Bears, and Ninja Turtles - We didn't get Care Bears at my house. Just the Ninja Turtles.

Yikes pencils and erasers were the shit. - [Insert inquisitive mark here]

You remember when the new Beanie Babies were always sold out. - We fought for those. Fought hardcore.

You've gotten creeped out by "Are You Afraid of the Dark?" - It never scared me.

" Talk to the hand" ... enough said - 'Cause the face ain't listenin'.

You always said, "Then why don't you marry it - Every day. I know you are, but what am I?

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