As weeks went by it showed that she was not all right.

I'm so sick. Sick of letting you use me. I'm so tired. Tired of letting you use me. Noticing the repetition?

That's right. Question:

Why is it that I can give you my all with nothing expected, except for maybe a smile*, and yet you walk away without one glance, one Fucking glance towards me as you walk away accomplished?


*[ For those who might not remember what a smile is, because of the lack of one lately, I thought I'd provide you with a handy defintion ] Smile: Noun 1. A facial expression characterized by an upward curving of the corners of the mouth and indicating pleasure, amusement, or derision.


May I continue... I would like to be appreciated and enjoyed because their is know one else like me. I would like to be accepted with all obvious and not so obvious flaws enclosed in the deed.

I wish to be wanted

Read 3 comments
wow, wicked diary. I totally dig
it's really hard nowadays to find something so insightful and intelligent.
who doesn't wish to be wanted..being unwanted hurts like no other..