I'm so sick. Sick of letting you use me. I'm so tired. Tired of letting you use me. Noticing the repetition?
That's right. Question:Why is it that I can give you my all with nothing expected, except for maybe a smile*, and yet you walk away without one glance, one Fucking glance towards me as you walk away accomplished?
*[ For those who might not remember what a smile is, because of the lack of one lately, I thought I'd provide you with a handy defintion ] Smile: Noun 1. A facial expression characterized by an upward curving of the corners of the mouth and indicating pleasure, amusement, or derision.__________________________________________
May I continue... I would like to be appreciated and enjoyed because their is know one else like me. I would like to be accepted with all obvious and not so obvious flaws enclosed in the deed.I wish to be wanted