" What you know can't kill you, It's what you don't know that will, because then you have to imangine it"
Ignorance is bliss. Huge argument. If you choose to omit something is it lieing or is it simply protecting the other from un-needed harm.
An example to favor both sides.
1. Your parents die. You are told they died in a car accident. They weren't. They were murdered, but the person who told you didn't want you to have that burden on your heart.You go on living your life, always thinking that your parents died in a car accident... the murderer approaches you on the street and says, " I am sorry for murdering your parents years ago."
Question: Would you rather of continued life thinking they died in a car accident or would you rather now after many years of deciet and now have to deal with the fact that your parents were murdered?
2. Your boyfriend cheats on you but, decides to not tell you because he doesn't want you to get mad/hurt over it. The girl approaches you and tells you what she did with your boyfriend.
Question: Would you rather your boyfriend tell you in the first place and let you decide how to deal with it, seeing that you are the one in control of your own life, or would you rather have him decide that it would be better off for you not to know?
I think it comes down to this, you should be told of everything that concerns you in anyway and deal with it on your own terms. Where do you draw the line on who can start making decisions on how your life will be lived.
so comment back lol