Stick a Knife in my [HEART], I'm done.

So Cliche.

My [heart] is placed at the end of the street with a 'FREE' sign taped oh so delicately across it. Everyone drives by, but no one will stop. It's not appealing enough.

-This is pretty much the best analogy to describe my ever dying efforts towards boys-

Seriously, I'm fucking over it. I don't want anything to do with such malice boys.

For each boy that hurts me in some way a tear of blood weeps from this heart. And on days like this, I clasp this drained heart, and pray for the one to resuscitate yours dear and truly. [♥]

Read 10 comments
thank you, your diary is lovely too.
i am sorry that you are feeling bad, and i agree with you, boys are horrible.
Very... interesting.
I don't mean to attack you or anything,
but almost all of your entries are about boys and not having one. Hun, you don't need a boy to be happy! Boys are stinky anyways!
boys are so incredibly yucky. it blows my mind.
anyway your latest entry..very rad..very relatable. relatable-probably isn't even a tired to care.
i like ur umm diary it is kool
everything can be wonderful in the world until a guy comes along and ruins it, or when they're nowhere to be found. there's just no happy medium with the opposite sex, i do hope things get better for you though :)
hey, i understand! I'm glad you didn't think I was attacking you, I hate when people do that. I just hate to see girls so upset over boys/lack of boys..
I hope that my comment kind of cheered you up a bit....I know how that time of month goes! its sooo gaytown..

Anyways..I think you're cute if that's you in that pic:) and brand new r0x0rZ my s0x0rZ!! :D

Much love,
Boys are lame, they just are sooo immature now these days.
It sucks, a lot.
Cheer up.
thank you.

Haha I think I saw you on myspaceee,
How lame am I?