Listening to: Broken by Seether featuring Amy Lee (Awesome Song)
Feeling: electric
I haven't gotten much sleep today.
So... I'm quite... odd. Well, in an odd mood at the least.
-Sighs- My dad woke me up while he was packing. Fucking ass, wouldn't stop making a shit load of noise.
I need sleep. -Sobs-
-Stops sobbing-
I hate you all right now. =P
Thanks for not telling me a story. -Tears-
Ugh, I think I may go try and sleep some more. Bye.
-Psycho Bunny-
Guy: "Smoking kills."
Me: "Yah, I know." -Lights a cigarette-
Guy: "You just lite a smoke, didn't you?"
Me: -Shifty eyes- "Uhh, uhh... no?"
Guy: "Liar."
Me: -Tears- "I never lie."
Guy: "Bull shit."
Me: "Hmm... Ily?" -Smiles-
Guy: "Ily2. lol"
Me: "No, you hate me."
Highlight of the day. ^ ^
Talking to him. -Blushes-
He hates me though. -Sad-
Even if he won't admit it, I know it's true.
He's just in denial. -Frowns-
Say "Hello" to Bob. -Giggles-
He's kick ass, y0!
Update number 200,500,440::
Okay so.
Today I went to the campground out at Beaton to look for one of my dad's friend's to ask him about his futon that he's selling or whatever and I ran into a guy that I dispise.
I seriously hate this guy with a passion. Everytime I see him all I want to do is take out a gun- shoot him in the leg; take out a knife- cut him open very slowly but not enough to kill him; take out a shovel and dig a deep hole for him and bury him while he is half alive.
I really do not like this guy. And he knows it too. But what does he do? He comes up to me all buddy buddy like to impress his friend's because I'm "hot" (haha, yah right) and gives me a hug and says "Long time, no see babe. Where have you been hiding?"
And all his friends are looking at him like "wtf@chu."
So, I laugh- push him away and tell him "I thought you crawled under a rock and died. What happened to that? And how dare you hug me and pretend like you don't know that I hate you with a passion?!"
His friends just started cracking up laughing and omg, it was the greatest sight ever.
The expression on his face and the tears in his friend's eyes from laughing so hard at him. Oh gosh, I'll never forget this day.
Anyways, I asked him where Mike was and he told me he'd take me to him, so I said whatever.
So, we start walking and once we get out of eye sight of his friend's he pushes me over behind a tree and says "How dare you embarras me infront of my friend's like that you stupid little bitch."
And of course, I am a bitch and damn proud of it so I had to make some wiseass comment back to him, so I did and then he went to slap me and Mike came around the corner and grabbed his hand, threw him to the ground and started like beating on him. Haha. It was so great. Mike was like "Do not, I repeat DO NOT, ever lay a hand on this girl EVER. Not only is she like a niece to me, but her father is a good friend of mine."
Then he walks away and hugs me, asking me if I was okay. And then yah!
It was so exciting. Oh man, I depise him with a passion and my one wish was that before I leave for me to watch him die for what he's said about me or to watch him get the hell beaten out of him. LoL.
Okay, that's all for now. I have another big story to tell but I can't right now, too tired.
G'night everyone.
Stay well all.
And Nick, get better!!! I miss your comments even if it's only been like a day!! LoL!
<3 to all.
-Sarah The Psycho Bunny-

I changed the number of entries on a page.
I'm going to add you to my friends list. ^_^