(19) No one loves me anymore!

Guess what?! On Sunday it will be mine and Devin's one month! Yippeeeeee! Yup, I'm weird but that's okay. Oh boy, was thanksgiving ever weird! Sunday night I went to my aunts for thanksgiving supper and my grandmother seemed competely fine but then later that night when my other aunt and uncle were bringing her home she had a stroke, went to the hospital, got released later on and then just before she went into her place she had another stroke. She's doing okay now but... the fact that she had two in one night scares the shitless right out of me. Oh well though, what can you do.. eh? So, I got my first English exam back a few days ago... guess what mark I got?! A 89%! Yippee! I got the highest mark in the class. Tehehehe. But yeah anywho. I got a promotion at work too. Hehehe. Things are seeming to look up for me lately, hehe. I am now recieving a whole 7! dollars an hour at work. Going from 6.65/hour to 7/hour is a heck of a lot better if you ask me. And they are considering raising minimum wage too, which means I will be making close to 9 dollars an hour by the end of January. Woo hoo!!!! But yeah, I have to go and meet Devin at his house so later yall... Peace, love and happiness. -Sarah
Read 8 comments
My kitty My kitty My kitty!!! =^^=
You get one of his kittens when I breed'em. :P
A month? That's intense. I'll tell jac, but I'm not sure if she's even still writing there. Ah well. Your wish is my command.
oh my goodness. sarah my cell phone didnt work for 2 months because it wasnt able to charge, but i just got your number back from my old phone yesterday. i have so much to tell you so you need to get on aim or yahoo. my computer crashed and i got it back a few days ago, and now it wont get online, so im on the laptop.
im so happy your back.
i missed you so much and im typing so fast becuase im so excited!!!
ok.. i have one more letter 2 go
lima beans give the most nasty ass gas!
i miss you crazily:(
i came back to SitD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
awwe no one loves me either :-(