
I spilt my rice. and another thing, I'm going to buy a fish, i've decided.
Read 12 comments
I like rice
nice colors, btw.
how can you get so many notes for such a small entry? ++!
Rice is good aye Ian:)
how fun! once, i had three goldfish, then my parents said they went on vacation...yeah right, vacation down the toilet...but i actually believed them...then four years later i asked them when my fish was coming back...i was devastated...*sigh* have fun
with your fish -angela
for a long while, before i moved to SoCal, i raised tropical fish. i started with 3 (2 angel fish and a sucker) and ended up with 2 (an angel fish and a sucker) cause once when i was cleaning the bowl, one flipped out.. literally. so ..uh.. be careful.
i hate a beta that i named ferdinand. once when iwas cleaning its tank it slipped down the drain in the sink. my brother and i opened the pipes underneath but it was too late. it was dead. moral of the story- dont name it ferdinand.
had not hate, i hate my bird.
i had a fish once... it died... then i got another.. it died. and so on. i learned somthing. when you go fishing, umm you kill the fish. douGh! i did not know that. i thought that is where the pet store got them, the lake.

Such a small entry. So many comments.

I like rice too. :) I know meh mum does hehe.
hehe - u r silly. hmm - fish sounds good. i love watching them - i've always wanted some. can i get some with you?