Here are pictures of the place we are going to, only three more weeks, and I can't wait that long.
I got these off the site, at random.

This is the actual private house/resort.

And, the beach during the day.

This is an overall view of the island.
mmmmmmmmmmmmm ohhhhhh yeahhhhhh.
I CANT WAAAAAAAAIIIIIIIIIIIIT. Make it come sooner. Also, physics exam tomorrow morning.
exam = easy as piss
i had to make my diary private cos i found out a certain somebody's uncle somehow found his way to it and reads it!! frrreeaaakyyyyy!
_____ --- ( )
that's a really big "=-O" if you couldnt tell.
that's amazingly awesomely cool. tres cool, as they say in France.
have fun
(for those of you without a keen sense of the obvious, that's french)
Have a safe and good trip.