
I started to cry, the way home from his house. Walking the whole way. I left a note. He's screwed, and he knows it. As for me, its a turning point. Its over as far as I can see. The note: 'I'm a hypocrite? At least I'm not a liar'. I placed it amongst all the evidence I found, in a pile in his room. Now mum wont be able to have her nice lunch tomorrow. I feel bad. I'll try and make it up to her. Tonight I wont answer my phone when he calls. I'll press the reject button in fact. I'm not hurt so much as angry. I'm not surprised either. We'll see where this takes us. It was just a sign. Another sign, showing the light. We can't even be friends now.
Read 14 comments
like i said, she can't physically fly over and ruin your life. and she can't do that to me, either.

take heart and have patience. when you're in the right, God prevails.

sad story, hope youll get soon outta this well ;)'re very brave, and i'm proud of you because of it.

(leave little girls to their own devices.)

decyphex: based on shitty advice from a shitty person

you picked the wrong ones. you should have left it at nothing.
you'll be fucked with. and you cant blame scott. it will be off his site and into your paypal account. and your e-mail. and your hard drive.
my friend nick will help me out. you remember nick, right?
i told you i didnt wanna talk to you when you talked to bonquisha. it wouldve behooved you to take that as all.
o no, what happened, babe?

and why am i a fluffball??

he's rung four times. i bet he's squirming.

I am sorry for this.
// where are you rhiannon? //
still alive?
The Rhia is <3'ed by the Abe.

Boys are always stupid. It's always the megahottieblowblotties that turn into jerkfaces =(

Missing you so much, it hurts.
// grievance prolongs / we are all in a rut //
Rhiiiiiiiiiiiia. I miss you.


well i love you anyways no matter what so there!