Listening to: Say It Ain\'t So - Weezer
Feeling: unstoppable
I was going to make this a private entry, but what the hell. I dont care. I am so pissed off all the time. I dont feel close to anyone anymore. I'm so out of touch with everything. Yesterday was ok at Glenns. I hardly said anything to anyone. I was going to go home, but I ended up starting to have fun taking stupid pictures with Devin and Gus. Thanksgiving was alright...not as fun as usual. I didnt really get to sit and talk to any of my cousins who I am close to...which disappointed me. I have a feeling Christmas wont be able to get me out of my low this year. That sucks. I dont want to go back to school. I have lost all motivation to do good. I have been doing a lot of thinking lately, and I think I am going to stop hanging out with everyone until I can get it together, and be happy on my own without having to depend on my friends for happiness. Because there will come a time when friends wont be there.
love, nick