Dear, What more do you want from me? I told you I would be there for you, and I'm still standing here. I care about you, you know I do. You know all I wish for is your happiness, but I'm starting to ask what exactly will make you happy. You need to stop going day by day and not care. You need to look at those children. They need you in their lives. You need to stop thinking so negatively all of the time and start looking for the bauty in things. I know you can do it, you just have to want to.
We took an oath as kids. Do you remember? we said we'd set out and find the things that would make us happy. And not the "happy' people use today to describe how their new hair cut makes them feel. Or the "happiness" a child feels when they got exactly what they wanted for Christmas. We promised to look for the things that we couldn't live without. But what I didn't realize then was, I had already found it. You...