Listening to: Maritime
Feeling: accomplished
I woke up, and it was sunday. I sat in my pajamas for hours, i did laundry...LOTS of laundry, i cleaned and vacuumed. After Vacumming, i quickly cleaned out my car. In the little red engine i found a delicious bit of pot hidden under the drivers seat. Not only was this a lovely little nug, it was also the very same one that had gone missing from the former bag. That made me happy, very happy. I came back inside to do some folding, and hanging. I took a nice loong shower, the kind that wake you up on the coldest winter day. Then i did my english homework, and helped my mom with supper. TARGET called, pleading me not to leave, offering raises and benefits. I kinda chuckled and said i would call them some other time because i was busy. I ate supper with my family and then went to the movie "Elizabeth Town" with my best friend. My friend is my best friend because hes the one who knows me best-maybe? I think so, but everyone still has secrets. My best friend makes me laugh. My best friend makes me cry because he makes me laugh so hard. He helps me learn new things, things that are important to know, like traffic rules and good bands. Hes my best friend because i dont have to tell him that.
[i decided that if i can remeber tonight, i will make it through the week]
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