let's see.
it's father's day [6/15/08]
i forgot to get my dad a card...im forgetful like that.
but we got him a ps3...so that should compensate.
matt's coming in 8 days...if he gets his act together.
i dont think he's coming...he just doesnt seem like he wants to come.
im excited and very nervous if he does though.
i get my liscence soon!!
ive had my permit for like a year...
i'm a little late.
my birthday is coming up in september!
im really excited...
my 16th birthday last year was shit though.
no one did anything
no one except for katie.
she's been acting weird lately...she's been acting i dont know
she started taking these pills for her depression...but it just seems to me that she's getting more depressed and more...jaded.
that's all she is these days.
no one thinks that she has a personality...but i know that she does...somewhere.
she grabbed it for a little while...but she lost grip.
maybe she'll get it back.
sometimes i miss her...and sometimes i dont.
her happiness was at the expense of my feelings.
if i ate something...she laughed
so i know it's selfish...but i kinda like not talking to her because she always laughs at me...i know it's terrible to say...but i kinda hope that she's unhappy...
im terrible..i really am.
but if she's not terrible...she wont learn anything.
i feel like a bad person...but it's true.
im not a very good friend.
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