Listening to: Power - BOA
Feeling: carefree
My Dad came to visit for spring break, then we went to my aunt's beach house... Got yelled at by my Papa (grandpa).
I think I might be a little anemic, keep having dizzy spells... o well, I'm still alive so I guess its not fatal or anything...
I did one of thoese 'test your lovability!' things at an arcade and it said 'heart broken', thoese things are so worong... it gave my little sister 'LOSER', I coulda told her that... in fact, I did... but I'm more of a loser (Proud of it). I played Lord of the Rings pinball, nearly got the high score and had 3 of thoese little metal balls goin' at once... Tried DDR (Dance Dance Revolution), sucked at that... I have NO skill in thoese kinda things... But I could kick major ass in a fighting game if I have some idea of what I'm doing...
which is rare...
I took a test in my sister's magizine (I have no social life) and I got a 'Flirting comes natural to you!'. I don't even know how to flirt... but I guess if I did, it would come natural to me...?
~Nothing is a crime untill society sees it as such~
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