Listening to: Every other time
Feeling: nothing
I was looking through my yearbooks trying to find this guy named "Michael" that Bailey wants to set me up with. Funny thing is, the very first person listed in our year happens to be named Michael.
And there are 14 of 'em.
2 without pictures and one named Sid-Michael that I didn't really tally... So theres actually like 15...
Anwayz, I decided to read my little note thingies that people write in the back of the yearbooks, and I got all nostalgic and old feeling (Sorta) and then I remembered seeing this guy in the hall today.
We used to be pretty close friends.
I couldn't remember his name.
Being one of those people that no one remembers (Unless its not a fond memory, one that you can't get rid of no matter how bad the brain damage is!), I felt sick with myself.
So I looked 'em up.
I remembered his last name at least.
And I will give myself credit for guessing his first name and getting it right before looking him up.
I still feel disgusted with myself.
I get the feeling that its gonna get REALLY tough after this.
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