Listening to: kim lian - teenage superstar
Feeling: bleh
Lolz, I haven't written in here forever...
Off*Beat volume 3 should be coming out this year (PLEASE, PLEASE LET THIS RELEASE DATE BE FOR REAL!!!) sometime around September if I'm not mistaken...
Avatar Book 3 chapter 14 (FINALLY) aired in Canada (Lucky people...) and I found an unconfirmed rumor that Nick might finally start airing it here again...
I need more Zuko/Sokka lovin'...
I started playing Final Fantasy 12 (after awhile it isn't so final, eh?) and totally ship Balthier/Vaan even thou i'm not even halfway into the game yet (I think) and Gabranth is pretty yummylicious (ignoring the fact that he's made out of pixels and his best friend is a 12yr old boy that I mistook for a girl for at least 20 minutes) and he's the only character whose outfit doesn't majorly confuse me (because even tho he's almost always in full body armor, his is the most practical out of the freakishly styled lot.)
I need a hug.
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