
I can't find the place where I found these, but I love them: "A Slap Is Just A Hug That Hurts" "A True Friend Stabs You In The Front" "Darkness Is Just The Truth Unpolished, While Hope Is Just Polished Lies" "Human Stupidity Is Limitless" "It's Better To Die On Your Feet, Then Live On Your Knees" (I love this one) "We Are Who We Pretend To Be" (So true for some people) "You live with your thoughts, so be careful what they are." (Uh-oh...) Kaiba: "There's only two things I'm good for, chewing bubble gum, and kicking ass, and I'm all out of bubble gum..." (Ha... I don't know why I find this so funny...)
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i gave it to your mom.

haha that sounds so wrong.
"A True Friend Stabs You In The Front"

"Darkness Is Just The Truth Unpolished, While Hope Is Just Polished Lies"

those two are my favorite.
it makes me think, i should backstab anyone, if i'm going to be a bitch i should stab them in their chest :)