juses and his golden Mini van

Listening to: Ninja of the night
Feeling: sluggish
Yesterday, Jesus tried to kill me with his golden mini van. seriously. I just missed getting hit by a golden mini van with the word "Jesus" written on the front of it. DO PEOPLE NOT SEE THE CROSSWALK OF DEATH IN FRONT OF THE SCHOOL!? crosswalk + people crossing = stop CAN JESUS NOT DO THE MATH!? All I can say is that jesus would not have saved that person... ohhhhhhhhh no.... I would have dragged that person down to where Jesus was trying to send me.... Well, Mom left 'bout an hour ago... not quite 5 in the morning, and Wally refuses to let me sleep, yet he can himself... This might be hard to read, but I still find it funny: Image hosted by Photobucket.com Yay! 'nother icon!: Image hosted by Photobucket.com Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwww.... Neko-chan Ed is soooooooooooooooooooooooooooo CUTE!
Read 7 comments
Awww... Ed is cute... Sucks about Jesus trying to kill you, I recommend you stay away from anywhere hosting a Jesus rally. Imagine how many Jesuses there'll be at a freakin' rally!! They might gang up on you er sumshit!

I saw those two icons, and I had to send them to you :)
poopy, the icons didn't show up :(
anime fuckn rox...

you such a crazy mofo!!!

yeah JUSES definitley almost killed you

and yes satan does drive a red sports car.
and I'm gonna steal it
from him when I go to hell.
and me and you can go joy riding in HELL!!!

I ♥ you rachie!!!!!!!
and your here right so you already know
your diary is awsome!!!
i love the ddr thingys..
