Listening to: Where Is Your Boy - Fall Out Boy
Feeling: idiotic
I think...I'll probably take a shower in the morning if I can wake myself up enough.
So Mickey's been real affectionate lately. He stayed on my bed with me the entire night. I'm so proud of him. Then in the morning he was all affectionate. And then.
When I got home and was talking to Stephanie && Shanti, he came up 'round my shoulder, rubbing his head up against me.
Anyone have a quarter?
Today was yet another good day except I felt bitchy and "ownry". Tomorrow...I'll feel better. ?
MEEEP! In Kingdom Hearts, Jade and I squealed at every disney character we saw. Oogie Boogie (!!), Zafar(!!), Donald, Goofy...etc. (!!!) AND THEN! We met the Rabbit, the Queen of ♥s, and Alice. Yay! I can't get past the forest place though. I've found footprints and 3 dalmation puppies and antenna. I know there is a clue in the room with the sleeping doorknob, but I can't get to it. Poo.
I'll go now.
♥/ /chelly ♥

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