Listening to: Grand Theft Autumn - Fall Out Boy
Feeling: sane
Two miners died...I think about death sometimes. And if it hurts...And if it matters that it hurts.
In heaven (if there is one) do you sleep? Do you feel? If heaven exists, why doesn't God send his army of angels down to tell us what death is like? Yes, I know there is probably some sensible answer but I don't care.
I played Barbies with Christina. She said "I want you to do it!" when she couldn't get one of the Barbie's shoes on, and I just looked at her pointedly. Finally she said, "Please?" and I smiled and said, "Sure!" Hahaha...
"Christina, you have to say please and thank you to people because it's polite. They're the magic words."
"Like God says it?"
She can be cute. ♥
Jade & I went to the mall today. Yayyy! I bought, get this, black & pink thigh hi' socks. Wheee! x3 Im so excited! w00t.
Then we went to K-Mart and got some photos taken. Haha we're so cute. ♥

♥/ /chelly ♥
sorryy about the fall out boyy video.
i know youu love them. )=
i love yourr photos, though.
kmart has photo booths?
i never knew that, lol.
awww, she is just too cute!
yes, god does sayy please. XD