× just hangin around ×

hey everyone....long time no see huh... well, i've been here i just haven't been up to getting on the computer lately. anywho... things have just been pretty crazy with me i guess... things at school are just i don't know. school bores me and i don't really talk to many people, i just like keeping to myself i guess so school is just blah so ya know. then back at home things are still messed up with my parents. my mom doesn't always get on my nerves about things but she can do it sometimes. it's always my dad tho....he just gets on me about everything and doesn't know when to leave me alone so were still at each others throats. and the stuff about him and his job... well, he still hasn't gotten anything like he was supposed to but mama is working somewhat you could say so we have a little money but not much. lets see...what to talk about now...umm... well, right now i'm rather sick....i've got some kind of sinus infection so i'm not doin to smooth but i'm okies. umm... things between me and troy are just great right now and have been for a good while now. i've spent some time with him and it just felt so different for some reason...not in a bad way tho... it just felt like we've been apart for so long or something and we finally got to see each other... you'd a had to been there i guess. well, there's been all kinds of things up with me and i can't think of what else i was goin to write about... lol. i'm not feeling so good right now so i'll let ya go and be back sometime later.
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