its been awhile...

Listening to: meet my maker - gc
Feeling: sinful
hey hey hey everyone... long time no talk. so how has everyone been doing? me, well, if you only knew... its been chaos like crazy. well... where should i start. umm, the last time i wrote it was back on october 1st to be exact...since then, lets see... umm well, right now i'm out of school for our thanksgiving break so that's good i guess, not really but ya know. i don't feel like seeing family right now, yeah i know i'm horrible but anywho... yeah school sucks, which everyone knows, it's just so boring for me. i really need something new. i can't wait for next semester, maybe i'll have something new then. i'll probably get tired of that fast too. okies enough of my school crap. things around the house are still crazy and hectic of course. me and mama are okay for now...things have been kinda rough here and there but things are better now and we won't even get on my so called father... we'll just leave it there cuz i don't feel like talking about him so anyway... umm, things with me and troy have been kinda up and down. i mean, over the weeks it has just been little things b/c i'm a jealous person i guess but now things are better. we haven't really seen each other much but ya know i guess i can't help it and with the way his mom evadently has something up her butt that's a problem too and i'm probably not gonna see him any over the break either which sucks a big one b/c that's what a break is for, for you to enjoy yourself and do somthing you want but when you can't what's the point but anyways... i complain to much but i'm sure you get that by now. umm, lets see something else...oh oh, halloween was pretty fun for us... i went to troy's and he had some friends over and we just had a blast... wonb't go into to much detail but it was just awesome(hehehe) and then since halloween i haven't really done anything. one weekend i went to my neighbor terri's and we watched a movie friday night, saturday i cleaned and we went to columbus and i got to eat at the olive garden and went and looked at prom dresses and picked out some stuff at hot topic i want and we just went all over... oh oh and i got to ride the escalator (not sure how to spell that) but it's the thing that take you up and down floors...LOL sorrie and then another weekend my bestest friend lilly came over and we talked and laughed and played withthe fat machine(yes, we need help we know) and we pigged out on junk and just had a good time, then that saturday morning we got up feeling like we had a hang over... i think we both had to many sweets...if that's possible LOL, and we had my majoreas famous pancakes and then she went home after while. then that night i fianlly got to see troy and i was with him from like 5:30 to about 12:30 that night and waht a time it was... wasn't so smooth at first but it got a lot better...i got hyper and going and then that was it for me...LOL ...well i think that's about it... b/c all that was last weekend and now were out of school for thanksgiving, which i already said... so i guess that's it for a while and i will really try to up data more...(cough, cough, troy) since i really don't have anything else to do. well, i hope everyone has a very satisfing turkey day tomorrow... i know i won't but maybe everyone else will. don't eat to much food now and get fat and make sure you stay away from all the sweets... talk to everyone later... toodles
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Hey baby, well as you know its thanksgiving and im sitting at your house:) hehe. Well suprise suprise im usre you will have a happy turkey day:) i just wanted to say i love you and that the jelousy problem your talking about with you is more a problem with me i guess thats where my arguement comes from:( anyways i love you, bye:)
hey... u updated =P i love u jesimaca!'