
We had to play squash at school today... and since there wasnt enough courts for our class we got to pay in threes... Jacqui, Eileen and I arent allowed to go together anymore after we broke the damn light... not our fault, the light just got in the way of the ball a couple of times... ^.^ Anyways, we have "Christina Living Day" on thursday... basically, we get to wear casual, go to a conference center, split into groups (thats the teachers make to ensure were not with our friends) and talk about our lives... the onyl reason everyone turns up is that we get free food... eh... Our year level is so judgmental though... thats what bugs me about casual days... we have the rich snobs all the way down to commision housing people in our year and it just sucks... our group is the really lower class with 2 commission houses and 2 rich girls who arent up themselves... it sucks... not being "lower class" in a sense... just the way everyone who dosent have money pouring out of everywhere is completely judged by the people who do... it sucks...
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All years are judgemental, don't stress.

Sure periods are wonders. Wonders don't have to be good things, do they? I hope not. Maybe periods are good things anyway.

Or maybe I was just pmsy and felt like making myself feel better. =p