
Okay, now that ive got my arm o0ut of that goddmn sling I can type properly... anyways, the job intiview... first off the intiviewer (Anna) stated that unless I was at least bilingual, she wouldnt hire me... which was kinda strange, but I am now thanking my knowledgeness of french... it wasnt really an intiview, i had to fill out a personality test, then they tested me on using a cash register, then made me serve a few customers to see how I acted... but compared to the girl before me (who goes to the same school as me) i was pretty good... well, come on, she dropped a bottle of jasmine oil, which shattered, forgot to give a lady change, then knocked over a stand of sesame snaps on her way out... Hmm... I should call Eileen, she did something to her neck yesterday and couldnt move it... and she wasnt at school today...
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lol that poor girl. thats funny though
hahah. I like it when people screw up and make me look good. I'm terrible. Oh well. Good luck?

[wallflower -whoistoolazytosignin]