its been a while...

its been a while since ive logged on here... stuff that has happened: * my dog snores really loud * im going for my learners permit on friday * i cant walk (my right leg has been cramped for 3 days now) * im having a gastroscopy on tuesday * ive wasted my holidays at various specialists * ive almost failed studio arts (which is slightly funny) * nowhere has the movie "sybil" for hire * i lost my library card * ive developed an allergy to various medications * i broke my damn hair iron, so im stuck with my damn ringlets * babs keeps saying "chicken" to annoy me... but its not working * eileen informed me of "chicken" * eileen broke her phone attempting to make a three way convo with me and babs * i have 5 mini c.d's about airforce training, thanks to babs * i got a new phone woot for me...
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I hope you got your learners permit, I really should get mine.