I get to sleep in every day of my exams... ...Ms Buckley has cancelled out Classical Societies exam *dances* ...i only have to do 4 exams *laughs at all who have to do 6* My dog is retarted... I gave her a piece of my doughnut and she buried it as if it were a bone *sigh* You know, sometimes I wish I didnt come from such a dysfunctional family... but now im kinda grateful for them... I found out today about this girl in my year level, Brittany who was my friend for about half of primary school (her mum discided at the end of grade 3 that I was a bad influence) anyways, her mum was soo desperate to be able to say that "my daughter is in year 11 and doing a year 12 subject" that because Brittany didnt pass the exam to get into yr 12 Biology / yr 12 Math / yr 12 English she forced her into doing Agriculture, which you dont need an exam for... she absolutely hates it (I think part of that pressure came from the fact that she found out I was doing a yr 12 subject... cant have the "bad influence" ahead of her daughter) Anyways, Happy birthday Fermonie ^.^
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