[rolling is fun]

Feeling: awake
i went to sleep last night well past my bedtime. it's 9 am, i have class at 10 30- so i've got a good while to chat it up over here for a bit. you know, if there's anything i've always valued, it's friends- more specifically, my best friend...i used to go into rants when i'd get surveys from friends and one of the questions would be 'who are your best friends?' and all these morons would list like, 12 people! ok, the reason it's 'best' is because there is only one! the creme de la creme, so to speak. anyway, it irked me- perhaps it's just my hatred towards grammatically misconstrued phrases (ie, i'm itching my knee) or just the fact that i do appreciate the seperate friendship that comes with a best friend to the ordinary one of a friend, but you know, the point is, i always only put down one person- and that person was Grant Drain. Poor Grant, the guy probably doesn't stress out about this nearly as much as I do- heh. Maybe it's because I'm a girl; frailer in the emotional dept- too worried about the technicality of who's my best friend. Grant was my best friend, right off the bat- since the middle of 7th grade. We went through everything together..and believe it or not, sometimes I feel like 'everything' is an understatement. There was a lost year or so when I stupidly no longer considered Grant my best friend, but did my then boyfriend. However, upon that being severed, I realized that Grant had been patiently biding his time, till I would realize my grave mistake- which, I did. From that point, no matter how close I was to guys I dated -whether it was for 6 months or over a year- Grant was- nay- is my best friend and will be for a long time. ..then again.... i feel unsatisfied with this sort of friendship we have now. Am I difficult or what!?
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