the past couple of weeks

since the 17th... let's see on the 28th of Feb, we moved to our new place! it's a wonderfully spacious condo close to UCF. It's gorgeous and huge. Amanda has yet to move in, though, it's starting to worry us! This month has been pretty blah, i work close to 40 hours every week, sometimes more. Maddix is back with us and she's massive, full of energy! We've already trained her to piss and shit outside, or, if we're not home, we leave the sliding glass door open, and she knows to go out on the balcony. We should put paper down or something. I saw Robots, SuperSizeMe, and like nine other movies. The last couple of weeks have been hell. For starters kevin and kenny had to stay with us for a few days because their apt has rats. Kenny got us locked out of the apt and it cost $45 to get back in (He paid us $60, though, so he's good people)- but it was a pain getting pop a lock to come since i couldn't prove that i lived there! we've only been here less than a month, after all. on that very same day, i got a speeding ticket for $100- going 39 in a 30. wtf. i have to have the registration on my car changed, as well as my license changed to the new address. school is weird. not good, not bad, just tedious and time consuming. i got an awesome grade on my astronomy exam! 45/50!! very very very cool. i deserve it, after all. i want to go to france for study abroad, i'm not sure if i can afford it yet. i suck a whole lot. i could probably go over spring semester, though- i could afford it there! maybe i will. hell, i will.
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