monkey see monkey fuck.

you know what i want to watch- Gone with the Wind. That movie is so classic. I think I'll watch whatever happened to Baby Jane tonight. Busy day busy day, work at Edy's, then to AIM. I should do some cleaning or wash those towels...oh well. i wish i were home...kevin and i were hanging out at Wendy's last night and i really miss hanging out with everyone. c'est la vie, no? also, went pre-christmas shopping last night, so much lovely stuff to little money. i think i'm going to work on my new year's resolution, i know it's early- but i'm quite the bored little lass today. maybe i'll paint. i can't wait for el salvador- the hot air, the smell of churros, wacky malls with skinny american singers tryin' to make it truly is a wonderland.
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