i fucking hate you

Feeling: abused
i'm sad...i haven't heard from justin in over a week...but i'm grounded so maybe that's why no one told me he called...i forgot my damn lighter i can't smoke without a light....do you comprehend? yup....keener the weiner decided to prove how much of a weiner she really is and not show up to homeroom meaning me not skipping damn the weiner all to hell...lol...switchfoot plays in my head ladedadela...see? it's loverly i love justin i'll love him forever but he'll never know, never understand...I think i'm going to have to dump him soon cuz this whole i'll call you thing and then the whole not calling is a real piss-off..!-well bye sorry i'm so hopeless
Read 9 comments
lol i didnt mean people like you, i meant people that are in my school that i dispise =X

♥ you go like this .. & hearts ;

&put it all together ♥ without spaces
& hearts ;

^put all that stuff together without the spaces in between.
nice site!

no call eh?

Dump his ass!! TO THE EXTREME!

ha ha! simpsons.... classic:)

being grounded must suck but i wouldnt know because i never get to go out :(

i can however tell you what corners in my school are suitable for making out *evil grin* yes yes.......

ahh ashlee i love her!! haha johnny depp is so sexay

yea sure you did ;) lol jk i dont care
how long are you grounded?

always up for beating beavers up... Uh...maybe it is b/c you're grounded. Then again...thats common sense talking...not sure at the moment.
lol, no. i am the coolerest. nuff said.
haha, im going to do some of those walmart things
-andrew, the coolest one.
lol nice. i do that all the time i am just yup forgot what you said.. haha but this time i remember laladeelaalla

yes loser such a cool word
haha isnt that ironical
haha ironical
sorry i am in a wierd mood