it was the hardest thing I've ever had to do...

Feeling: broken
last night...I decided last minute...that I wasn't gonna travel to the mall...I broke up with jeff...instead...and it was the hardest thing I've ever had to do...because he's my best friend...and I wouldn't want to hurt him...cause I'm a summer jeff...I'm sorry...I just had I ended up at nadine's house...I haven't been there since before the "accident"...t'was fun...nadine gave nash a MaKeOvEr...:) she looked like pippi longstocking on drugs!
it was funny...but cute...:) I love nadine...and nash...then we left nadine's and went to steve's...I had to meet dave? ok nash what do I insert(I'm letting her play match maker for me)Here? he's cool...that's all I hope mallory isn't mad...I couldbn't meet her at the mall...steve was being lazy I should've known he always be's's...yes...I guess it was fun...I get the whole darth devon thing nash he does not look like gerrard or bert! well I gots ta go-cassie xox ♥
Read 4 comments
Well, that's sad..I feel bad for the poor guy. But glad you got that off your chest so it didn't bite you in your ass later. Oh well. = There's life..
Haha it's no problem! I love when random people comment me =) I just redid it today too lol. Your background is hott.. and I totally agree, dashboard is the besterest ever =p

Jen ♥
Oh yeah and I forgot I l♥ve your icons too at the top.

Jen again ♥
I ♥ that song too. No one can make me feel better than the used. B]

&Im sorry about jeff. =[
i always get sad about breakups..

♥ love