yay:)no damn!

Feeling: whatever
so long and goodnight....well if you carry on this way things are better if I say so long and goodnight so long and goodnight....sorry good song...last night...we saw justin me. nash. jenna. and jeff. and then I met sarah justin's ex...she's cool and she helped point out how much of a dick justin really is....he said to her that I'm a whore...who wants to fuck everyone...lol...funny...jeff pierced my lip for me last night and it's severely crooked so I must let it heal then pierce it again...lol the poor thing like appologized like 80 million times...:) umn I hope you don't hate me now but amber I DID your goth quiz thinger
I am 80% Goth.
Goth as Rozz!
24-7 I am a freak. Every day is halloween. The creatures of the night fear me.
:D yay...I think I mey have intimacy issues for jeff was like totally putting out signals that he wanted a kiss...but I didn't feel well and plus I was drunk but I was also suffering from an ouchy face so w/e cavell was grounded so we're jeff. nash. me and maybe cavell are going to see a movie today...but I must first clean my room...so lol...omg! max was almost abducted!I'll tell you the story...this sketchy guy all in black was trying to get max to be the drug dealer in the south end...and max was like sorryman I can't help you out there but he wouldn't take no for an answer...then this drunk dude comes out of casey's and he's like I have a 6ooo$ tab in casey's at the moment anyone wh0o's over 19 I'll get you drunk...lol...then he goes over tomax and starts asking him if he'll get r9d of thge drug's for him and he'll pay him 2000$ and max is like sorry I can't help you out...then I'm like max my brother our bus is here we gotta go...mom said we have to be home by 11 and theses guys let max go...so we walked to the bus sheltrer's and then these guys follow us down there and they're like(they'rr were like 20 black clad kids there) who wants to get rid of some drugs for me? I'll pay you and everyone's like no sorry man...and then max goes to the bus shelter and they follow him in..and so I follow cuz they ain't gettin my best-friends ex without a fight and then the sketchy guy says i'm gonna give him the biggest shit kicking of his life because he said no and trhen we'll torture him til he says yes and then we'll take a deductible off his pay for that! and we're like yeah right these guys ain't serious...and then the sketchy dude flips out and grabs a cab and then pulls max in to it...and like snaps h9is back in half but max jumped out the other door on the other side...lol...then the cops were called and they kept us there for like 3 hours so I slept over at jeff's with max for the night...god I was so frightened for him...lol well better go clean my room-cassie xox edit:// we didn't see a movie for my parents were being lazy and wouldn't drive me anywhere...so I guess I have to get my sweater back from max next weekend...lol...oh well...I watched pretty woman tonight...I almost cried...it's such a good movie...as much as I hate richard gearbox they have good on air chemistry type of thing...lol...well I must get to bed got court in the morning-cassie xox
Read 3 comments
65% goth.
hey, i dont have your msn name anymore...let me know what it is again...
yes...to put it simply, you are the shit ;) but im sure you already knew that.

yeah...lindseys awesome. hopefully something happens with us soon.

i ♥ you!