i like sickness

Feeling: adored
I feel horrible...but great at the same time...I love staying home from school...I'm so sick...like my throat hurts and I'm all stuffed up*thumbs down* cuz I don't like it...but I like staying home...and everyone's all like "is there anything we can do for you cassie honey" and I'm like..."could you get me some chocolate?"...it's great :) I get whatever I want...It's skye my sister's birthday...so happy birthday skye you're 10 *woot woot*okay...I love you ang...and I'm gonna add you on yahoo just as soon as I figure out how to work it...lol...I don't know what to do about this whole jeff shit...I mean what if he doesn't feel the same?...what do I do then?like help me please!love you ang-cassie xox r.i.p. sunshine "sunny" latour I'm okay I'm bored I'm ever lovin jeff....lol...now I have a live journal account too...but don't worry faithful friends I won't leave you ever...I love fallout boy...and gerard from mcr is dating bert...*dies from orgasming* lol it's so hot unbelievably hot...I can't beleive myself while other people are hurting sorry spiffy...I love you and sunny though I never met her...r.i.p. I've decided to do a nightly edit instead of a nightly rant because it's wasting too many entries...and we all know how I love my entries and my friends...especially jeff<3 you forever even if you don't return it love....well the sickness is getting worse...I'm gonna go to bed prolly stay home tomorrow...lol.again...-cassie xox
Read 20 comments
yea i saw it thanks..
n thanks for caring it means a lot
she wouldnt want me to be sad but i miss her i mean first time i see her in 2 years and shes not breathing..just makes u think
fall out boy is a great band
she was in a car accident and her car landed in a ditch. she had extensive brain damage and she was in a coma and she was on life support. she had too much damage to her brain, it was swelled up wicked bad.
at least she isnt in pain anymore.
yea i know what you mean...he told me that he isnt making a desicion till he is IN collage...i DONT want to wait...well i ttyl..love yas..sherene
yeah, skye is my kitty kat's name. she likes to sleep on books, especially when my mother or i is reading the book in question.
: P
and yeah...this might seem kinda weird, but...thanks for being there for Jade (spiffyclocks) its good to see that people, even the ones who dont know her, care.
i know...gerard + bert=HOTTEST COUPLE EVER!!!

haha yeah, nate must not be very popular...but then again, from what i know of him, he seems like a real jerk, so that would make sense now wouldnt it?
yes, staying home from school =awesome..but the extra makeup work doesnt.
i know, gerard is beautiful *sighs* and the fact that hes dating bert just makes him that much hotter...lol.

yeah, dont worry, i hate nate too...and i dont know him either, lol. ive never seen him.
I feel like i haven't talked to you in forever. I miss you. (dont let a stupid guy get you down..again. If its suppose to be it will)

Is andrew harassing* you with comments..jeez

Haha thanks, yeah friday was great. It pisses me off tho cuz today there's a bunch of people walking around with shirts that are like "be straight, support nate" (nate is a kid who got expelled for threatening to beat up a guy for being gay) but whatever, we made our point. And yeah, MCR
haha, you're right... smart move.
bah, motley crue rox. bwahaha.
oo, noo, its a song by motley crue.
fine then... now im sad.
Its all flippy at the bottom & i cut it so i had long bangs. =) its so fucking rad.
&i dont know about cory anymore.. all my friends say hes gunna use me & hes a bad guy. =/ idk, i dont really trust him, bcz my one guy friend who is w/ cory CONSTANSTLY says he like goes over to girls houses & tells other girls he loves them. =/ idk
&i think i might like one of my best friends =X but im rly afraid to tell him bcz i think he has a gf. =(
thanks yours is cute too=)
fallout boy's new cd = l0ve.

now when did you leave me a comment? i dont remember.
and not for me? that makes me sad.
Hey its nitemairsangel...i am so sorry i have a new account...well yea i am only really failind one class..and it is a F but i dont need to retake it next year so screw it..lmfao! so i am good right now well i think so
Haha thanks, yeah friday was great. It pisses me off tho cuz today there's a bunch of people walking around with shirts that are like "be straight, support nate" (nate is a kid who got expelled for threatening to beat up a guy for being gay) but whatever, we made our point. And yeah, MCR and gay people rock!
she was a friend,and a cousin i hadnt seen her in 2 years, but she was awesome, and so beautiful. thats why i was crying, i had just got back from the wake
skye is my pussy's name. happy birthday skye (your skye)
: P