
Feeling: sane
I am sad...for I may have to go to jail soon...I fuckin hate crystal...*ugh* so much...I can't believe she pressed charges...okay I put a cigarette out on her face but she didn't have to spit on me...she didn't...*shakes head* growl...grumble...grumble...grumble...garawr-rawr....! I am not gonna go to jail...I'm just not going to attend...I'll be hiding in some unsuspecting person's basement...:) they won't even know I'm in their basement...muah-hahaha I saw brandon saturday morning...he had a hangover...I was like I can tell you look rough...god! and he was like excuse me I don't make fun of your looks...and I say well atleast I don't look horrible...and then we start laughing...uncontrollably...well I've wasted enough time with my helpless long-cassie xox
Read 13 comments
i hope everything goes well for you.. good luck.
thats gay that she would press charges... :(
Good for, for going out with jeff. Oh and being awesome cuz people are awesome.

aww *hugs* dont worry, i dont think you can go to jail for somethin like that.

and if you do, ill bust you out ;) lol. seriously tho, if you lose the case you'll probly just end up with some community service or something. i wouldn't worry too much about it.

and dont say that, youre definetely not a screw-up.
hehe thnx, like your diary aswell :)
hey this is wicked! Aww Don't be worried about me! I'm just a quiet lil child who everyone thinks is cute which is kinda awesome! But ne who.... Im feeling happy because I'm signing your comment thing!! HA! In your eyes I lost my place Could stay a while and I'm melting In your eyes like my first time that I caught fire! Ha The Used's song called I caught Fire ((In your Eyes!)) well Ne-ways Ima gonna go and I'll talk to you later on msn well L8s
lol.. mine is .. it's really gay looking bc i was in a good mood when i like linked all my friends on my page lol.. hehe.. im stupid.. ill check urs out kkk
you should feel accomplished...and youre not a screw-up.

*hugs* thanks for all the help ;)

and you should take my
wow. its ok shes a dumb ass for pressing charges tell her to shut the hellup and maybe if she wasnt such an idiot you woodnt have out a cigarette in her face! haha! adding you to my frinds bc u seem lik a fun person! peace
hehe that's alright =)
haha..i wood have done the same thing..haha
hey long time no talk!

i just read the entry!

no jail!

jail is bad!

i heart you!
its ok i dunt care i got it from someone else so it doesnt matter to me..=)